Encountered the symbol ">" when expecting one of the following ( * @ % & = - + < / >

I am executing the below sql statement and facing this error

"SELECT     t.i_id,
       to_char(t.open_time +4/24,'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi') open_time,
       to_char(t.close_time+4/24,'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi') close_time,
       dbms_lob.substr(t.description,1000) description
where      t.OPEN_TIME >= to_date(@startt) AND t.OPEN_TIME < to_date(@endd) AND t.INCIDENT_ID IN (SELECT DISTINCT a1.INCIDENT_ID  FROM   INCIDENTSA1 a1 ) ;"

and passing startt and endd as parameters

oracle error

Encountered the symbol “>” when expecting one of the following ( * @ % & = - + < / > at in is mod remainder not rem <an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like like2 like4 likec as between || multiset member submultiset The symbol "( was inserted before “>” to continue.

any one have an idea

hi @FMK,

Have you tried Running this Query in the Query Editor of DB Directly , Does it Work there ?


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yes it works in the query editor

It seems that the connection to the oracle database was wrong
I followed these steps then added the connection in uipath


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