1)The excel employee list has some 10 emp ids in it
2)search for each of the associate in the company portal
3)fetch and append the mail id for each of the associate from company portal in column b corresponding to the emp id
4)if the associate id is not found, leave the row blank and move on to next one
5)Sort the list as per emp id and save.
Hi Team,
in the 3rd topic while I am trying to fetch the data. I have near 10 emp id’s in excel. while I am searching in the portal it will take only the last emp id. and search on the portal. How do I will get the details from excel 1 by 1. and search on the portal. and save it the mail id in excel.
use Read Range activity to read data from Excel file and will give output as dataTable and say ‘DT’
use ForEach Row activity to iterate that DataTable.
ForEach row in DT
- Assign, Int index =
- Use **Type Into** activity and pass
inputt as **row("EmpID").Tostring
- use **Get Text** activity to read mail
From portal and store it in a string
variable and say 'readEmail'.
- use **Write Cell** activity and pass
Range: "B"+index.Tostring (if B-
Value: read email
Note: If Email id not found then skip to write value.
Check the column name for employee ID’s in the excel you have. @lakshman gave EmpID as reference. Replace it with the exact column name you have in the excel
I have a query. for example i am searching with emp Id 101 and I found the result with my name Abu and followed by mail id.
for next emp Id 102 I am searching its throw the error. since in the get text activity in the screenshot. its take my mail Id only. I am unable to proceed with the other employees details can you help me on this.
It’s not problem with screenshot and you have to make selector dynamic way using wild card entries here. If possible take screenshot of employee 101 and paste here and then will help you to make it dynamic.