EMAIL EXChange activity are missing

Hello all,

I want to use email exchange activity in studio, but it is not showing (also when i check show classic)

any one have find this issue

Best regards
thank u


Unfortunately exchange activities don’t support Windows project yet. It’s know issue.
Please use Windows-Legacy project until it will be fixed.


Then it is not possible to use it
can we use get IMAP ? to check email from outlook

Best regards , thank u


We can use Get IMAP Mail Message activity in Windows project, as the following.


Do you mean Outlook365? If so, UseOutlook365 and Get/Send Email activity might be better.



Yes I mean outlook , iused get outlook email message, activity but with trigger there is trouble,

Than u thing whtich one can replace this activity

Thank yu


Sorry, the wording was a bit ambiguous. Is your mail server is on-premise server or cloud Outlook online?

As GetIMAPMailMessage activity communicate with mail server directly, it doesn’t use Outlook.
So if your mail server support IMAP, it might be available.

If you use Outlook online(Outlook web)(Outlook 365 web), we might be able to use UseOutlook365 activity (or MicrosfotOffice365.activities package)

Or if you have something trouble with GetOutlookMailMessage, the above UseDesktopOutlookApp and GetEmail might work.
