Cant able to find Get Exchange Mail Messages Activity from my activity Panel

Suggest a Method to resolve it

Hi @Gopikrishna_S

Can you please confirm whether you have the following dependency available in your project?


If not, you can download the package from the Manage Packages tab in the above ribbon.

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

I have this Package, But still Cant able to get this activity


Please make sure the filters in the activity panel are not causing this issue. You can check/uncheck them to verify whether the activity becomes visible or not.


Best Regards.

I have checked and unchecked this filters, But can’t able to get this activity.I want to know whether this activity comes under which package(UiPath.mail.activities or

Note:While Iam trying to install ( in manage packages.It showing no packages found.


You can go through the documentation for more details on the package here:

Best Regards.

do u have the below dependency

I dont have Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices Dependency

Hi @Gopikrishna_S

did you try creating a Windows - Legacy process?, and then install the mail activities package, and then seach the activity


send us a screenshot of the project dependencies u have in the project please
Also one more way u can try , delete the project.json file in the project and open mail.xaml once again

Thank you fernando.Finally I got the solution for this.It works only in windows -Legacy compatibility.

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