Email CC

Hi Everyone,
Am trying to get email attachments based on Email CC but am unable to download, can anyone please suggest, me how to resolve this issue.
am using“”).Is this correct format or any alternative solution.

Thank you.

Yes it is correct @divya5

Are you getting any error or it is not finding the attachments?

its not finding the attachments and moving to the exception folder

I’m not getting you

Can you share the screenshots of your workflow?

Hi @divya5

Have you tried item.attachments

Thanks Ashwin.S


I am also experiencing with attachment . From long time I am not able to save attachment based on Item.Attachment.Any condition.

But same other people are not. I am sure if this is bug or what… coz I have tried a lot to fix this but never got success.


Thanks to all …just check my screenshot of image and help me

@md.ahtesham @divya5

Can you both try upgrading or downgrading the mail activities once?

Hard to tell what the issue is from your screenshot, but here’s how to save attachments:

Use “Get Outlook Mail Messages” activity (use Filter property to only get mail following a specific rule) and output to variable of List[Mail Message]
For Each Item in List[Mail Message]
Use activity “Save Attachments” with Message property set to Item

This will save all attachments of each email retrieved with “Get Outlook Mail Messages”
If you want to retrieve only specific attachments from each mail retrieved, set the Filter property in “Save Attachments” activity.

Be sure to set the “TypeArgument” property in the For Each block to System.Net.MailMessage