Email Automation in StudioX - Practice - SLA Assistant

HI @Bianca.Dragu

There is a problem with a Typeform - its closed at this lesson also. Could you please send email directly at or attach the zip file here. thank you

I’m having the same issue.

I used “write line” activates to show the variables are in fact separated out.

I was able to fix this issue!

for the Separator, you need to add SPACES before and after the Dash. The SPACE was preventing the Switch Case to match

Or you could use a SPACE before each Case name. Like, " Software Issue"

After I did this, the emails were sent.

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Cannot get the HTML editor to run. StudioX is unable to start execution because “The provided html email is malformed”. UiPath experts, if you have any solution, please help!

I also had this issue to start. I assumed it would be like an Excel dynamic filter. It isn’t. You don’t pick from the drop down, you type into it. It is a confusing setup because we are all conditioned for drop downs to be dynamic.

This was a very useful course!