Else If activity showing condition not supplied

After the latest update in studio the else if activity is not accepting the conditions even after providing it properly. PFB the Screen-shot

It automatically get resolved if we try taking new else if or re copying pasting the same condition again or Try clicking Add Else If and delete the added Else If.


Does this condtion was working before?

If yes then drag & drop if activity and write condition again, it will definitely work. make sure write condition manually , not copy paste.

Check This

yes the condition was written and not copy pasted, thought this shows condition not supplied. and it happened many time while developing different workflows.

Hence reported a bug

Yes But you will get it resolved by these steps.

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Thanks @hammad_rafiq, actually Its already resolved and I have written the steps as well bellow the screenshot. I just wanted to highlight this issue to community to get this shorted in the next release.

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Hi @Biswajeet_kumar

Any chance you have a sample dummy project that this still reproduces on?
Is it maybe fixed with the latest Studio 24.10.6 and System 24.10.6?

Yes it was fixed after the new release

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