"Element Change Attribute Trigger" - which library contains this activity?

Hello: From the documentation reference: Activities - Element Attribute Change Trigger, “Element Change Attribute Trigger” seems to be part of UiPath.Core.Activities and the learning video mentioned it should be found in UiPath.UiAutomation.Activities. I am not seeing the activity in either of these libraries while using all latest versions: 24.x.x. Where can I find this activity or if it is remediated, what is the equivalent activity for the same behavior?



It seems the activity isn’t available in latest package. I tried to downgrade it to 22.4.7 (Tried randomly older version. No specific reason) and it’s available.

Try to downgrade to 22.4.7 it should work.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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Thanks @ashokkarale, yes, 22.4.7 has the activity that I am looking for.
Is it fair to say that better not to consume preview libraries unless it is what someone wants to explore?
A small observation…studio seem to be taking a lot of time to download/install a package for whatever the good reason!!
And a question around that is if a version is already installed, can it be simply referenced from local than download/install for a version change?


Glad it worked. Please mark my answer as solution so it will be helpful to other community members as well.

Regarding your addon questions…

Yes this should be used for exploration purpose only because it’s still baking and not ready for consumption :smiley: /production usage .

Yes it takes too much time :yawning_face: May be due to multiple things it has to check in background like dependent packages, studio version compatibility etc.

Yes that is possible but the dependencies will be downloaded in real-time whenever we upgrade or downgrade the package. The dependencies takes maximum time to get installed like OCR and all.

One thing to remember, we don’t often install/upgrade/downgrade packages so it’s fine if this takes 5-10 mins to install. We can have a cup of coffee/tea :coffee: Cheers!!

Ashok :slight_smile:

Thanks @ashokkarale, I had the download/install time compared to either add a new version or upgrade or downgrade version of a library in a java project which takes a few secs for example in IntelliJ! This long time will surely be annoying (at least for me :wink: for now in case a developer need to experiment between versions before shipping an automation to Prod. That’s my 2 cents anyway!

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Couldn’t agree more :v:

Please mark my answer as solution. It inspires me to keep helping community :smiley:

Ashok :slight_smile:

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