Edit text in target (element)

I use activity check app state and indicate target as below.


But In aaname I want check text welcome Back only (same value in text is)

Please guide me for solve it.
Thank you

Hi @fairymemay

Do you want to get the aaname attribute Value from the indicated element…?

If yes, then you can use the Get attribute activity.
→ Create a variable in the output element option in properties of check app state activity called OutputElement.
→ Pass the OutputElement Variable to the Input element of Get Attribute activity and select the aaname option from the dropdown.
→ Create a variable in the output of Get Attribute activity which stores the value of aaname.

Hope it helps!!

Hello, try Get attribut activitie :slight_smile:

@mkankatala no. I want edit aaname because aaname have date today I don’t check textdate.

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Okay @fairymemay

When indicating the element, check the Strict selector and uncheck the fuzzy, image in selector option window.

Go back to studio and go to the properties of check app state activity, expand the Target option and open Strict selector option and open Ui explorer then you can edit the aaname based on your requirement. Then hit on validate.

Hope you understand!!

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Yes. I got it.

What diifferent about Strict selector and the fuzzy?

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