Edit Queue Definition through Orchestrator API

Hi there, hope you’re doing fine!

I’ve been using Orchestrator API endpoints for a while and I just found an issue with 2 :dizzy_face:. Hope it’s not a bug

Well, API endpoints are both based on a PUT request to modify a Queue Item and a Queue Definition.

I’m using Postman uipath API library and following Official Docs
Endpoints are:

  • {{baseUrl}}/odata/QueueDefinitions({{key}}): to modify a Queue Definition

  • {{baseUrl}}/odata/QueueItems({{key}}): to modify a queue Item

  • Where

    • {baseUrl} is something like ‘cloud. UiPath. com/Organization/Tenant/orchestrator_’

    • {key} is the unique identifier ID for the queue, smth like ‘0b3c408b-9622-4444-8247-8c684b309222’

I’ve tried to check the traffic(as @loginerror suggests) in order to find the way how it is built but, bad chance, just this call doesn’t show its params:

This endpoint doesn’t exist in the Documentation :frowning:

When trying to use the endpoint from postman library I get error 999, which doesn’t exist in response Codes Doc neither :frowning: :frowning:

Anyone achieved?
Maybe @badita is interested as well
Thanks a LOT in advance guys!

BTW the request Im using looks like:

  • Auth: Bearer from Auth

  • Headers: X-UiPath-OrganizationUnitId

  • Body: JSON → “Name”: “Test2”

I following the structure requested in Swagger:


I believe key is also a mandatory input…which is a unique identifier for eqch queue.please try that


Hi, thanks for your help.
Yes, of course, {key} is a mandatory item, it is written in the endpoint definition and I use it to aim the queue I want to update.
Im going to edi the post to not generate confusion :slight_smile:


The end point i see in the acreenshot is having some edit queue after the queuedefinition…ideally there shpuld be only a key…not aomething else in the end point.Please use the correct end point as you see

Actually are you teying to rename queu?..


I don’t understand what you mean.
I use the endpoint provided in the documentation so, {{baseUrl}}/odata/QueueDefinitions({{key}}) like.
The screenshot I’ve provided comes from watching the traffic, as suggested by @loginerror , to give a try to find it from there, but it’s not in the doc.

Can you give me more info?

such doubts we do clear with the help of swagger

key is the id Integer

done with the same and recommend also to check payload sent, as here we do see the id again

However we would recommend to stay so far on the official documented endpoint along with the current way of authentications

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Thanks for your reply @ppr

I just got the solution in collab with UiPath staff:

  1. In Swagger/postman lib, endpoint is …/QueueDefinitions({key}), where key comes NOT from the field key(unique ID) of the Queue, but its ID

  2. Minimum mandatory fields to filled: Name and Id so the body of your call looks like:


  • Documentation should be edited:

    • Swagger and potstman enpoints are amining to “Key” field, instead of “Id”

    • In body, field “Name” is specified as the only required field whereas the “Id” is also required

  • Endpoints structure edit suggestions, either or:

    • Since “OrganizationID” and “Id” are required in Headers and body… Why we do have to specify the Id again in endpoint?

    • Since Queue field “Key” stands for a unique reference Id, if it is written at endpoint level, why should we need then, the “OrganizationID” and “Id”?

  • Affected Endpoints (as far as I know):

    • PUT /odata/QueueDefinitions({key})

    • PUT /odata/QueueItems({key})

    • DELETE /odata/QueueDefinitions({key})

Hope the UiPath team takes an action on this issue,
In the time being, hope it helps

Happy coding and a BIG HUG!

Yes we mentioned, also to see in the payload screenshot:

But can confuse.

Feel free to use the feedback cateogory and bounce it back to the docu team

However it is now working at this is the main goal so far :+1:

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