in my app there are 3 different containers with many text-, checkboxes where the user can input data. after inputting all information, the user can parse his inputs into an entity by pressing the blue “+ Hinzufügen”-button. whenever a new record is being created in the entity, the edit grid displays the record immediately. (edit grid´s data source is binded to entity)
few weeks ago i already implemented this workflow into 2 of the 3 containers without any struggle. today i started with the 3rd one.
i got no issues with creating a new record and passing it to the needed entity, but the edit grid of container 3 is not displaying changes like a new record etc.
but if i click any column, the new record is getting loaded in the view.
any idea what i may did wrong here or maybe even how to fix?
sadly there was nothing in the video what brought any solution.
like already mentioned, a new record is added to the entity. it also updates changes if user decides to edit an item. deleting items also works properly.
issue still is the editgrid, which doesnt show the new record until the user clicks any column in editgrid control. while 2 more editgrid´s on the same page updating the view whenever a record is added or modified into the entity
i finally could solve the issue.
One of our processes didnt work properly today, so i had to remove some activities inside our App.
While testing new functions, i accidentally noticed about the refreshing Editgrit.
After all struggle, resetting a whole container in “Entity.Projekte” was causing the collission.
But if youre setting the value of a control to nothing/empty/false inidvidually, everything works like its supposed to.
Strangely enough, the other 2 controls with the exact same setup are causing no problems after all: