Edit Default Snippets Folder

I’m currently working on creating a “snippets repository” for my team. I have already found a way to import snippets from a cloud repository to UiPath Studio, but I was wondering if it is possible to alter the default folder from where UiPath Studio gets its snippets.
As an example: the default folder for your snippets is located at user/AppData/Local/Programs/UiPath/Studio/Snippets, so whenever you create a new project, whatever snippets are stored in this file location will show up for use on studio. I would like to change this default location for user/Downloads (just as an example) so that when I create a new project the snippets tab will show me all the xaml files on my Downloads folder.
Thanks for the help in advance!

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I was just wondering the same. I think it is not configurable.

When I am looking for such settings what I typically do is grep in these 3 locations:

  • C:\Program Files\UiPath\Studio
  • C:\Users\cg371p\AppData\Local\UiPath
  • C:\Users\cg371p\AppData\Roaming\UiPath

But when I used bash (comes with Windows Git) I found no json files:
grep -R nippet *

That makes me believe the locations are hardcoded.

There is also C:\Program Files\UiPath\Studio\Snippets , just to be complete.

we could try using symbolic links and at least integrate other locations into the fixed snippets folders

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Ah, now I understand what @brunokkawano wrote:
His program installation is per-user, that’s why there is a folder part *Program * in there.

I cannot test shortcuts because right now I have no access to a Studio where I have permissions to alter the .\Snippets folder

not sure if you refer to symbolic links when mentioning shortcuts

when ever you can test

checkout for the /J Option with special attention

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I need to correct my previous post, I was looking for the wrong needle in the 3 location haystacks.

Seems that

  • UiPath Studio “Snippet” Panel “custom folders”
  • added via the “Add folder” icon
  • are then stored in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\UiPath\UiStudio.v2.settings
  • in the element UserLibraryFolders
      <UserLibraryFolders xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">

You might want to look into a way to script adding an entry to that .settings file.
Nowadays with ChatGPT that should not take too long

Or have each developer manually edit that file. It is plain text, personally I never hesitate to edit plain text files.

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As I came to this thread with the same usecase in mind (to share snippets between VDEs, and potentially developers):
I will now put my snippets xaml files into a Git repo, and then checkout on each Studio VDE, in a location that will be accessible for any user, like C:\Users\Public\UiPath\SharedSnippets\git.ACME.net\mySnippetsRepo_VBasic_Legacy or such.
(Go inspired folder path convention, to include the remote repo location.)

Then add to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\UiPath\UiStudio.v2.settings

      <UserLibraryFolders xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">

When doing so via the UiPath Sutio Snippets panel: If multiple Studio windows are open this must be done in the last open window before closing them all.

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