Edge always ask for installing Chromium extension

Hello Community,

the Edge browser is always asking me for installing the UiPath extension for Edge Chromium, although I have already installed and activated this extension. As well, during internet reasearch, I found out that the Chrome Native Messaging Host is running.

From my point of view, all extensions are installed, but on any reason, when trying to select an element from Edge, UiPath Studio (and UiPath StudioX as well) always ask for installing the named extension. The only thing what can be selected is the whole window, but not the Edge as browser.

Would you have some hints what could be wrong?

Best greetings from Germany,

Hello Community,

would someone have any hint, how this issue may happen by me, or whom I could contact on understanding the issue and solving it?

Best regards from Germany,


looks like version installed is very old

current is about 24.x


try installing latest one…or from your studio


Hello @Anil_G,

I have installed the Edge extensions via Studio and got the information, that it has been installed.
After restarting the Edge browser, the extension is not even listed under the Edge extension.
Can a reason be the Edge policy, which does not allow the usage of this specific extension? Other extensions like Web Automatio or Google things are available, but not the extension “UiPath Browser Automation”.



First remove the current extension

Then restart edge and check

Thwn reinstall from studio


Hi @Anil_G ,

this has also not solved the issue, Studio keeps asking to install the extension when selecting Edge in “Use Application/Browser” activity.
I will have a check with my IT team on this, if there are internal policies or other reasons.

Best regards,

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Hello @Anil_G , Hello All,

unfortunately I do not have a solution yet for my problem. Therefore I cannot give you some information or mark this topic as solved.
As soon as I have it solved or at least some hints, I will publish this here.