Hi guys,
Think an excel sheet. Which have 2 columns.
DataColumn_İn_DT1 | DataColumn_in_DT2 //header
ColumnNameX | ColumnNameY
ColumnNameZ | ColumnNameT
And there are 2 excel. I will append first excel to second. But their column names and column numbers are different.
So In DT1, ColumnNameX will be append to DT2, ColumnNameY. Column names will be dynamic. How can i solve this?
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July 4, 2020, 8:21am
Hi @ercanebiler ,
Use this activity to ** copy to clipboard ** the data in the excel (Excel1.xlsx).
I have developed the new activity in the package of BalaReva EasyExcel.Activities .It is called “Copy ToClipboard” .It copies the excel data to the clipboard. (The BalaReva.Excel.Activities have the same activity called “CopyData”)
Sample : ExcelCopyPaste.zip (26.4 KB)
Thank you
Use the find ** last row ** in Excel2.xlsx.
Hi ,
I have developed 2 new activities.
Find LastColumn that to find the last column Index and Column Name of the sheet .
Find LastRow that to find the last row of the sheet and it returns the row index.
Find LastColumn’s Properties :
Find LastRow Properties :
Note :
If the sheet name is empty , It will take the first sheet name .
Here is the video demonstration.
[UiPath excel Extract Graph as Image | find last column Index| find last Row No…
-Finally ** Paste Clipboard ** the data in specified(the last row +1 ).
I have developed the new activity in the package of BalaReva EasyExcel Activities. It is called “Paste Clipboard” . It paste data from the clipboard . That means you can copy the data anywhere(SAP,text editors and etc…)
Thank you
I will check and update! Thanks for your effort @balupad14
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Well I guess this will work for excel column indexes are stable(doesn’t change). Like i said i have an excel config for copy. I need to get that data and append according to the config. I am adding samples for better understanding.
So process will read CopyConfig, will append dt1 to dt2 according to the CopyConfig.
Excels.zip (19.0 KB)
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July 4, 2020, 10:06am
Hi @ercanebiler ,
I understand the flow. Where it comes from the data for dt1 and dt2.
Thank you
DT1 is coming with mail attachment. DT2 is in a common folder.
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