Dynamic Data Scrapping

I am trying to scrape the information which is dynamic. Example - Scraping professional history of different people on LinkedIn. I use data scrapping method but I need the Bot to be dynamic - Whenever I change the name of the professional, it should scrape the corresponding information from his/her profile. How do I go about it? How do I modify my recording sequence, which was done for one specific profile? How will it run for all the names I enter?

Change the name attribute in the selctor to be dynamic.Here is an example:
This is the default selector,which is static,it’ll only work for the element with aaname as “Puja_Padhy” :“<webctrl aaname=hh’ tag=‘A’ colname=‘Sort RequestSorted ascending’ isleaf=‘1’ parentclass=‘slds-truncate’ tablecol=‘2’ />”

This is the changed code,which will behave dynamicly:
I have a variable as Name.which holds dynamic value,so by manipulating the code as below,my selector will also behave dynamically.
“<webctrl aaname=‘“+Name+”’ tag=‘A’ colname=‘Sort RequestSorted ascending’ isleaf=‘1’ parentclass=‘slds-truncate’ tablecol=‘2’ />”

Look at the bold part in the 2nd code.
Here,I assume the “name of the prof” will always be the “aaname” attribute.This is just an example.You need to manipulate the code according to your selector attributes!

Hope that helps! :slight_smile:


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Thanks a lot, this helped. Allow me to get back to you if I have further issues.

Great!!! :slight_smile:
Sure,You can reach me if you need any further help.
Kindly mark my solution as answer if it helped.
