Dynamic Data scraping from google travel

Hi everyone

I am doing project where after typing in google the variable place, date I end up in google travel page in hotels category. I want to exctract a list of this all hotels to excel file. However, the problem it’s when I change the destination ( variable, the city where hotels I am looking for) the robot do data exctraction from the city that I wrote in first time. It doesn’t adjust to changes.
How can I link data exctraction to the changing page. I want robot to automatically find elements and exctract it to excel file?

How can I link data exctraction to the changing page? I want robot to automatically find elements and exctract it to excel file.*
I am using modern design


Welcome to the community

For that you need to adjust your selectors to not contain any specific information like the city name etc …in place of those use wild cards like * …

Also it is important to select reliable selector attributes for that open ui explorer indicate the element and change the search and see if you are able to validate the selector if not the selector needs to be changed and different attributes are to be selected


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