Dynamic Data Scrapping for different result

I need to Scrap data from a hotel booking website, but the result showing in div tag, instead of table cells they used div, in each div data is populated. and id for those div tag is the data. for example a row containing standard room | Breakfast Included | AED 1227.00 (few more columns are there, but i need only these). id for first cell will be StandardRoom. so in each search selector will be changing. Can’t scrape in next search. Is there any solution for this.

Thanks In advance.

Hi @jayasooryantm

Welcome to the community!!

Can you share a selector that it generates for one of those?

Also can you use ui explorer to generate one selector for those, and can you share a screenshot of the ui explorer screen? I want to see what other info it extracts for selector

Try this…

Remove aaname from the selector and use class instead?

Looks like aaname is the one that changes

Let know if that works

Now its selecting the image. If i could scrape the entire data also fine. i can modify it. but in this situation nothing is possible

Try using the class bro… i guess it should work
You havent used the class in the second one too…