I assume these queueitems have some unique data, possible in the SpecificContent. Then you could possible achieve this by getting the QueueItems via the Orchestrator HTTP Request
We have a setup where some of our queueitems are processed in batches. We keep track of them by assigning a unique id to a group of items. But this would work with any distint data.
This queueitem was one of many successful transactions, but the only item with this specificcontent-value / in this batch.
So we are able to query this specific item without using a queue with unique-reference.
We query the items via the API:
GET /odata/QueueItems?$filter=Status eq 'Successful' And Contains(SpecificData,'e66cc6ea-e86e-4b16-9f91-79687fa0e4b4')
"@odata.context": "https://{OrchestratorInstance}/odata/$metadata#QueueItems",
"@odata.count": 1,
"value": [
"QueueDefinitionId": 245,
"Encrypted": false,
"OutputData": "{\"DynamicProperties\":{\"key\":\"value\"}}",
"AnalyticsData": null,
"Status": "Successful",
"ReviewStatus": "None",
"ReviewerUserId": null,
"Key": "7b1d62ed-547f-4be5-945f-e06ef7854170",
"Reference": null,
"ProcessingExceptionType": null,
"DueDate": null,
"RiskSlaDate": null,
"Priority": "Normal",
"DeferDate": null,
"StartProcessing": "2022-01-18T11:59:49.007Z",
"EndProcessing": "2022-01-18T11:59:49.45Z",
"SecondsInPreviousAttempts": 0,
"AncestorId": null,
"RetryNumber": 0,
"SpecificData": "{\"DynamicProperties\":{\"Gyldigheds-dato\":\"2021-01-05\",\"MĂĄlepunkts ID\":\"11\",\"MĂĄlepunkt type\":\"D14\",\"Tilslutnings-status\":\"E22\",\"Parents mĂĄlepunkts ID\":\"571313191191432568\",\"BatchID\":\"e66cc6ea-e86e-4b16-9f91-79687fa0e4b4\"}}",
"CreationTime": "2022-01-13T17:04:58.27Z",
"Progress": null,
"RowVersion": "AAAAAAAaIBc=",
"OrganizationUnitId": 129,
"OrganizationUnitFullyQualifiedName": "Default",
"Id": 940900,
"ProcessingException": null,
"SpecificContent": {
"Gyldigheds-dato": "2021-01-05",
"MĂĄlepunkts ID": "11",
"MĂĄlepunkt type": "D14",
"Tilslutnings-status": "E22",
"Parents mĂĄlepunkts ID": "571313191191432568",
"BatchID": "e66cc6ea-e86e-4b16-9f91-79687fa0e4b4"
"Output": {
"key": "value"
"Analytics": null