Download/Save Gmail Gsuite emails and attachments

I am a beginner student in UiPath. I hope somebody can help me…:slight_smile:
I face the following problem: emails and attachments are downloaded under the following path automatically "C:\Users\mczat\AppData\Local\Temp" when using the Gsuite activity “Download email attachments” or “Download email”:

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Is it possible to download it in another folder? In case not, then, how would it be possible to move the attachment to other folder?. I tried using the corresponding activity to move archivs but I received an error saying that path is not found. So I don´t find a way to move from the path C:\Users\mczat\AppData\Local\Temp\ to another folder

Many Thanks!


Hi @mczatarain

Please check the below thread

Thank you so much for your quick answer @pradeep931 . I will try the solution you mentioned and I will let you know asap.

Hi @pradeep931, the problem is not really to move the emails and attachments. The problem is that wen using these activities:

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The email and the attachment will be always downloaded under: “C:\Users\mczat\AppData\Local\Temp” by default (see following link Actividades: descargar archivos adjuntos de correo electrónico)

The questions are:

  1. Is there a possibility, when using the activity above, to download the attachment under another path defined by me?
  2. When trying to move the attachment from “C:\Users\mczat\AppData\Local\Temp” to another folder, UiPath doesn´t find the path “C:\Users\mczat\AppData\Local\Temp”. So it is not possible to move.

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