Hello! I need to download all the pics from a advertisement but I dont know how to make the bot works like: if there is a picture download, then click on the next, then dowload… And do this to all of them untill the pictures are over. How can I do that, and after, make it upload those pictues to a google drive?

HI @Carvalho_Vini

If possible can you share the screenshots for better understanding


Hi, of course.

Now you gave me the idea of taking sreenshots haha, but how can I do to the bot to know that it is supposed to (in this example) click 11 times in the ‘>’ to take all the pics?


You can use check app state on next button till the next button is present click on it and then click on downlaod…

Whole of this can be run in loop and use break on the else side of check app stte so that once next button goes off the bot loop will stop


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