Hello, So I want to download files, and the download file’s Url are in my excel sheet. which is on Row.item(2) and the title of that link is on Row.item(0). So what I need to do is , using those URL I have to download the files and Then save in a folder with the T- date, and save those files into T-date folder, having name in Same as there Title .
I want know which activity can I use and how should I use.
Thank You
Use Download file from URL for this.
- Use Read range activity to read the excel file into Datatable.
- Use For Each Row in Data table to iterate through all the rows.
- Use Download file from URL activity and pass the url from
read in excel into datatable
then model a flow like:
- for each row in datatable Activity
- Download file from URL Activity
Thank you for the reply,
but I might be using older version of System.Activites , it dont have Download File From URl,
any other alternative?
HTTP Request Activity
Yep, I used it, but in after using it, I’am unable to change the name of that downloaded files.
please tell us the version of the UiPath.WebApi.Activities Package
will be done by
- Activity configuration
- afterwards with other Activities or .Net Code
UiPath.WebApi.Activities Package = 1.9.2
Download file from URL is introduced in 2023.10.2
Other option would be using front end activities like Use application/Browser
and passing the URL. In this approach you will have to add error handling, save to popup etc. which will be time consuming.
I would advise that upgrade the System.Activities to 23.10.2 at least and take advantage of this out of the box solution.
in this version we would do:
Got an error, The given path’s Format is not supported.
check during a debug on what is produced when concatenate the variables
We suggest to use the ummediate panel for tracing and prototyping