Document Understanding AI Units for Community version

I planned to build an automation to extract an invoice. For this, I took the help of this video resource.

But I have a concern. Does using documentUnderstanding.ML.activities make use of any AI units? I wanted to know as I’m currently using the community version of UI Path studio. If so, please explain the metering and the limitations with respect to document understanding.

Thanks in advance!


It depends on multiple factors like number of pages in the document, the classifier user or extractor used.

Refer this calculation documentation for more clarity on this.

Ashok :slight_smile:

Thanks for replying @ashokkarale .

Can I know whether I can keep track of the AI Units that I’ve consumed and how much are remaining in the community version?

Thanks in advance.


I don’t have community license to confirm but it should be similar to this location

Admin → Org → Licenses → Consumables.

If you are satisfied with the answer, kindly close the thread by marking my answer as solution. It will help to community.

Ashok :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply, but the community license does not show the AI Units in the page similar to the image that you’ve sent.


In that case you will have to start Pro Trial.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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