Document Manager throws error OCR endpoint is not valid when configuring OCR

Hi everyone
I am facing issue when try to set up the Document Managers’s OCR method (for Document Understanding inside labeling session). When confirming Save settings I receive an error “OCR endpoint is not valid”. I filled in the information by the documentation for my version of Automation Suite 2022.4 (on-prem).

I took the endpoint addres from published ML skill of UiPathDocumentOCR Out-of-the-box model from here.

And the OCR key was taken from the Licences → Robot & Services → Document Understanding API key

I also tried to keep the default value for my region ( ) with and without DU API key. Tried to fill the ML skill endpoint and DU api key into prelabelling section. None of it passed the endpoint validation.

What am I doing wrong? Any advise?

this is something what you should use in Studio for ML Extractor:

Thx for sharing. There is no problem to use the ML Skill from Studio ie. UiPath Document OCR responds text from image correctly.

My question is how to configure the Document Management for UiPath OCR? Especially what should be the OCR URL and OCR key vlaues?

Hi @karpatan

welcome to UiPath community.

Please don’t enter the OCR key and Save. For Automation suite, OCR key is not required in the settings.

Hope this helps.

Hi @Venkat4
Thanks for a suggestion. When I fill in only ML Skill endpoint inside OCR URL (without the key) I receive the same issue thath OCR endpoint is not valid.
The structure of the url is as following: https://mycompany.automationsuite.address/public/mlskills/77d47a7d-111d-1111-11d1-111d11d1d1d1/dd1d1d1d-111d-11dd-d111-1ddd111d111d/mlskill-du-ocr


please make sure the OCR ML skill status is available and enter full endpoint in the OCR URL text box.


Please try accessing the end point from browser by adding suffix “/info/model” for end point URL. it should return a JSON response if the ML skill is accessible.

example https://mycompany.automationsuite.address/public/mlskills/77d47a7d-111d-1111-11d1-111d11d1d1d1/dd1d1d1d-111d-11dd-d111-1ddd111d111d/mlskill-du-ocr/info/model

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You were right. The endpoint is evicted somehow. It responds: upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure.

From the Studio activity UiPath Document OCR (local serer) the ML Skill works. I will try to fix the ML Skill first. And to my question I assume the fileds in the Document Manager where filled succesfully. Thanks @Venkat4


you can delete the ML skill and redeploy it. Hope this helps.



Thanks for confirming on the solution. please mark it as the solution so that it will be helpful for others having the same issue.


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