So I work for a consultancy and as a result we have alot of shared logins to environments belonging to our clients. It is not feasible for us to have individual logins for each of them because it would be too much for our clients to manage so having a generic windows VM account is a given.
This causes problems with our commits to source control however, UiPath caches the credentials in Windows Credential manager and pulls from them the next time someone commits, this causes the same credentials to be used over and over when different people use the VM.
Is there any way to make sure that the GIT commit signature and credentials aren’t stored after each commit to ensure that each person doing a commit has to enter their own?
Yes, I know I can do that, but I was hoping to find a way so they don’t get stored at all to prevent this hassle every time we commit that we need to remove it.
I’m already aware of how to remove them manually. My question was how to prevent them being stored in the first place to prevent these manual actions which is different to what you are addressing.
I don’t want to disconnect the project from source control. That would be worse than it being committed under someone elses credentials, that would stop it being commited altogether.
As someone already else pointed out, this it’s not related to Studio, but how GIT stores credentials under the Windows profile => “Windows Credential Store”
To remove those entries you need to clear that local store.
We have put a batch file on the common Desktop:
For /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %G in ('cmdkey /list ^| findstr') do cmdkey /delete %H
note: In our case we are searching for “”, i.e Azure DevOps credentials.
Replace that with whatever service you are using.
Two options for how to run the batch file:
manually - this is what we do
Have everybody click it before they disconnect the RDP session
(or you risk having someone else commit in your name)
This is completely inaccurate. “GIT” is not a program, and various software is out there to use GIT, depending on the software you can control your credential storage in different ways, the windows credential store is absolutely NOT an assumed given, but a choice UiPath have made with their addin, if you use TortoiseGIT for example you can choose entirely different ways to store your credentials.
So its absolutely related to studio.
Its actually kind of crazy because you can actually disable the windows credentials vault, yet somehow the UiPath addin still adds entries to it.
The batch script is indeed what I did in the past, but its a pain to need to do it. I feel there should be a simple checkbox asking if I want the credentials saved.
…. If UiPath instead would have chosen to have a dependency to git.exe and the command line, Studio should respected what ever credentials configured you configured (outside Studio…)
But given,
it would be way harder to handle git errors that way
most UiPath developers couldn’t care less.
The easiest way out is to implement the library and run with Windows Credential Store.
And the third option,
Fork the GIT code and build your own client from scratch, I wouldn’t.