Do I need to define the fields that I want to extract in taxonomy manager or are these available automatically from end point url?

Do I need to define the fields that I want to extract in taxonomy manager or are these available automatically from end point url? I want to parse an invoice document

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Hi Anupam,

I will get back tomorrow about the sample workflow.

About the fields, in taxonomy manager you can define any fields you want, but the key is what you enter in the Configure Extractors wizard which is part of the Data Extraction Scope. So in the Configure Extractors wizard, on the right side column, you have to put in manually the names of the fields you are interested in, from the list mentioned in the first forum post at the top of this page. It’s the lists under “Invoice available field names” and “Receipt available field names”.



4 posts were split to a new topic: Training the models

Hi @Anupam_Mittal

You can find the example at the bottom of the post here :slight_smile: