Digitize document- an unexpected error has occurred

Hi team, I am using digitize document activity with Microsoft Azure computer vision ocr. It is working with pdf files but when I try to run for TIFF or TIF files it is throwing an error as digitize document an unexpected error has occurred. Any suggestions?

I tried by updating the package. Even though it is not working :disappointed:

Hi @nalband_tejaswini1, welcome to the Community.

Can you try the same with other OCRs like UiPath Document OCR & check if the issue persists?

Best Regards.

HI @arjunshenoy ,

It is working with the other OCRs. In our project we are extracting the data from handwritten texts so, thought of trying the Azure OCR for better results.



Well, in that case, please take a look at this thread, as it might be relevant to your use case:

Best Regards.

Thanks but I am using the paid API Key nd end points. I am suprised that it is working for pdf docs not for TIFF files.