Digitize document activity error

Getting below error while trying to extract text form scanned invoice.
Note: I’m using UiPath cloud orchestrator (community).

Digitize Document: One or more errors occurred. (Request CorrelationId: c05b6a2e-b724-4fc8-9d59-d8e45a61e9a3
Request PredictionId: TtDZIo/fvyt4Z62KMoIKM/KtdIQqrfxx9QDluXfV9lI=_e77ee36e-362e-4007-9ef2-6040e96bfdf1
Error performing OCR: Server response:

413 Request Entity Too Large

413 Request Entity Too Large

nginx Error:UiPathOCRErrorInvalidResponse CF-RAY: . AppId: )


Check if you are not exceeding these limitations of DU.


can you please open the exception details from locals panel…you would have more details on exception there


Hi @phani.yelisi1
Check by using other OCR engines in digitize document activity.

Try using omni page OCR. You have to download the package UiPath.OmniPage.Activities

I have used “UiPath Extended Languages OCR (Preview)”, since I am working with Thai language invoice.

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