Deserialize JSON - Cannot create and populate list type Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken. Path 'responses', line 2, position 16 uipath

Hi community,

I have the following error during the run of the activity Deserialize JSON:

“Cannot create and populate list type Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken. Path ‘responses’, line 2, position 16 uipath”


Until yesterday it worked, the only step I took was to migrate the project to a different remote machine.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot

Hi @etasca ,

Could you maybe provide the json file, so that we could verify the json format from our end.

You could also validate the json string in the below link :


following the JSON string obtained by the actvity HTTP Client :

@ "{
responses “”: [{
textAnnotations “”: [{
locale “”: “”
eo “”,
description “”: “”
uligavo\ nVO\ n “”,
boundingPoly “”: {
vertices “”: [{
x “”: 15,
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y “”: 209
x “”: 15,
y “”: 209
description “”: “”
uligavo “”,
boundingPoly “”: {
vertices “”: [{
x “”: 15,
y “”: 3
x “”: 392,
y “”: -8
x “”: 397,
y “”: 192
x “”: 21,
y “”: 203
description “”: “”
VO “”,
boundingPoly “”: {
vertices “”: [{
x “”: 253,
y “”: 53
x “”: 369,
y “”: 4
x “”: 435,
y “”: 160
x “”: 318,
y “”: 209
fullTextAnnotation “”: {
pages “”: [{
property “”: {
detectedLanguages “”: [{
languageCode “”: “”
eo “”,
confidence “”: 0.78
width “”: 400,
height “”: 200,
blocks “”: [{
property “”: {
detectedLanguages “”: [{
languageCode “”: “”
eo “”,
confidence “”: 1
boundingBox “”: {
vertices “”: [{
x “”: 15,
y “”: 3
x “”: 392,
y “”: -8
x “”: 397,
y “”: 192
x “”: 21,
y “”: 203
paragraphs “”: [{
property “”: {
detectedLanguages “”: [{
languageCode “”: “”
eo “”,
confidence “”: 1
boundingBox “”: {
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x “”: 15,
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y “”: -8
x “”: 397,
y “”: 192
x “”: 21,
y “”: 203
words “”: [{
property “”: {
detectedLanguages “”: [{
languageCode “”: “”
eo “”
boundingBox “”: {
vertices “”: [{
x “”: 15,
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x “”: 392,
y “”: -8
x “”: 397,
y “”: 192
x “”: 21,
y “”: 203
symbols “”: [{
property “”: {
detectedLanguages “”: [{
languageCode “”: “”
eo “”
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y “”: 202
text “”: “”
u “”,
confidence “”: 0.87
property “”: {
detectedLanguages “”: [{
languageCode “”: “”
eo “”
boundingBox “”: {
vertices “”: [{
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y “”: 1
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y “”: 200
text “”: “”
l “”,
confidence “”: 0.67
property “”: {
detectedLanguages “”: [{
languageCode “”: “”
eo “”
boundingBox “”: {
vertices “”: [{
x “”: 125
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x “”: 162,
y “”: 198
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y “”: 199
text “”: “”
i “”,
confidence “”: 0.98
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languageCode “”: “”
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y “”: 199
text “”: “”
g “”,
confidence “”: 0.71
property “”: {
detectedLanguages “”: [{
languageCode “”: “”
eo “”
boundingBox “”: {
vertices “”: [

You should save it to a text file and post the file. The copy/paste is going to be difficult to work with.

I solved the issue.

The problem was related to the package version that I was using in the project.

In particular the dependence: Newtonsoft.Json that was in contrast with the one of Mail Activities Package.

Thanks a lot

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