This is a classic javascript popup generated by the webpage. What makes it difficult to get the text in your case in that you are using Google Chrome browser which is not rendered the same way as it would be for IE and do not expose it text attribute (among other ones).
From my side, chrome plugin makes also the capture very slow and anoying.
If you have choice, i would recommend you using rather Internet explorer on your automation in general because of the reason bellow.
This being said and if you still need/want to use chrome you could be achieving getting your text using the ‘Name’ attribute of the second Text element (first is the dialog title) UiElement.
Find here an example of a component which will attach to any Chrome popup and click the ok button (using a partial selector approach) and output the alert text as an argument. You could make it more specific adding the title of the window on the first selector.
Click_JSPopAndGetText.xaml (8.0 KB)