Debug Popup on Browser


I have recently upgraded my Studio version to 2022.4.4.
Since then whenever I am trying to automate anything on Browser I am getting below popup.

Also it is not allowing me to use data scrapping i.e I am unable to select any single data from Screen, Its highlighting whole page

Hi @Shreya_Rao1

While indicating the element in the screen you just simple click cancel and do your process automation.

Have you install the extension of the browser?


Yes I have installed extension

What is the problem that you have ? Explain little bit detail

When I am trying to capture data table from screen, I get the above popup.
I tried your suggestion to click “Cancel” then capture data. It worked for 1st element but when I am trying to capture 2nd element now I am getting new popup


Can you share the screen shot of the web page.

Unfortunately due to company policies I cannot share Screenshot but I am extracting the Assets Data from Orchestrator

No problem @Shreya_Rao1

You need to get the data from the Orchestrator Asset Right?

You can try with Get Asset activity


Have a look on the docs

Check out the Video link


Yes thanks Gokul, I know that. I want to create same assets which I created in Dev Orchestrator into UAT Orchestrator .

To do so and to reduce my efforts I want to get the Asset details in DT, Save it in Excel
So that I can directly refer the excel and create same in UAT

Hi @Shreya_Rao1

Without doing data scrapping, You can get the data from the Get Asset activity and adding it in the excel file.

This could be the easy way to implement rather than using Data Scrapping


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