Debug incomign API requests

Dear forum,

Is there a way to debug/display/log an incoming API request into Orchestrator so I can compare it with a working curl request?

I’m trying to setup an oauth-based API interface from a 3rd party system into Orchestrator. The goal is to enable the 3rd party system (ServiceNow) to put an item into an Orchestrator queue.

Orchestrator is configured according to the relevant documentation pages and the admins of the 3rd party tool can successfully retrieve a token using curl. From my point, this means that the command itself is sound and that the connection itself is also working.

As soon as they configure the ServiceNow oauth interface, they get an error saying “invalid request”.
The relevant SN logs don’t provide information on the oauth command.

Since the curl request is working, I suspect a formatting issue with the request generated by SN but I need to log it to prove that…


after very quick reading your case maybe have a check on following. Whatever cannot be quick / technical / organisational constraints… retrieved fro ORC maybe can be catched from REST API Call/response sniffing.

Maybe this technique can help you fro the analysis as we have understand that not the ORC API, but the SN sents are to get analysed / reviewed.

If you don’t have a Network engineer internally that may help you, you may install Fiddler in the Orchestrator machine and in the machine that is performing the requests.

How to Collect Fiddler logs?

  1. Download the version for your system Download Fiddler Web Debugging Tool for Free by Telerik
  2. Extract the files
  3. Double Click on Fiddler to open and install.
  4. Configure Fiddler to decrypt HTTPS traffic
  5. Within Fiddler, click Tools → Fiddler Options
  6. Select the HTTPS tab
  7. Check the checkbox to Decrypt HTTPS traffic


  1. You will receive a few pop-ups that are required in order to install the Fiddler root certificate, which allows Fiddler to sit as a man-in-the-middle to your HTTPS session. Click Yes to these prompts.
  2. Click OK to close Fiddler Options
  3. Check if Decode is enabled

Capturing the trace you should follow the below steps:

• Open Fiddler and set turn off capturing (File Capture traffic or F12)
• Click on the dropdown arrow next to the X on the icon bar and remove all traces. This will clear out the left side of the Fiddler monitor.
• Then Click on File Capture Traffic or F12
• Reproduce the issue
• Click on File Capture Traffic to stop the trace.
• Click File → Save → Save All Sessions…

Another option will be to use the Wireshark. But keep in mind that the recorded information with this tool will be huge and you should start it and stop it only when you are replicating the behavior.

To troubleshoot issues with your network connection, the network traffic logs that are collected in the Wireshark application may help you. To get the logs you need to follow the below steps:

  1. Download and install the application from the WireShark website.
  2. Open the application and click
  3. Select the interface for log collection and click Start.
  4. Reproduce the problem.
  5. Click
  6. Select File → Save As and save the logs in the default format for a later monitoring purpose.

Excellent @marian.platonov :+1:

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