hello friends, I need to save the date in the format
I’m using
in this format it is outputting only the date
“BASE-” + Now.ToString(“dd-MM-yyyy”) + “.XLS”
You are giving condition for a date only
try this
If there is any folder path, try this
Hello @pauloengenharia5
Plz check the below .
How to Modify Date in UiPath? Modify Date activity explained with demo
This is literally no different than what I answered, except you have an extra double quote that will cause an error. You don’t need the System.DateTime reference, you can just start with Now.ToString as I did. His problem was the filename was ending up only the date, but he also needed BASE- on the beginning and the .XLS extension added.
The folder path is supplied in the first property of the activity, as shown in his screenshot.
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