Writing the current date to Excel cell

Hello everyone,

I have an activity which writes the current date to Excel cell.
The activity is: UiPath.Excel.Activities.ExcekWriteCell.
The value is: Now.ToString(“dd/MM/yyyy”)


It used to work fine, but recently UiPath displayed a message suggesting to convert the project from Windows Legacy to Windows, I converted but then that activity stopped working and it issues this error:

The message details are:
“message”: “Write Cell: Date: Expression Activity type ‘VisualBasicValue`1’ requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled.”,
“level”: “Error”,
“logType”: “Default”,
“timeStamp”: “18:11:44”,
“fileName”: “FastSubmission”,
“processVersion”: “1.0.0”,
“jobId”: “2775c061-0ee3-4d7f-bef7-DELETED”,
“robotName”: “DELETED@gmail.com-attended”,
“machineId”: DELETED,
“organizationUnitId”: DELETED

My UiPath details:

Please advise.
Thank you very much for your help.

Hi @Udiar

Just Retry the Date in that activity. Issue is Double Quote "


Just Like this @Udiar


Without quotes it issues an error:

HI @Udiar

Use Double Quote in the Date Format


I tried (with and without quotes) but it issues an error:
With quotes
Without quotes

Instead of Copy paste Type the Date format and Double Quote manually

Or Downgrade the package and check it @Udiar


Hello @Udiar

Instead of Today, use ToString. You are using Today in the expression instead of ToString.



I can’t check it because now I’m getting a new error regarding the ExcelApplicationScope itself:

I get too many issues since I accepted the UiPath suggestion to convert from Windows Legacy to Windows (one of them is a very prolonged compiling, like 15 minutes…).

Could you please advise and explain how can I revert my project to Windows Legacy?

Check out the thread @Udiar


In the your project open the Project.JSON file and update it @Udiar

“targetFramework”: “Legacy”


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Thank you, but this resulted in a bunch of errors, so I reverted it.
I’m still looking for a solution.

The solution was to Update Dot Net version (from 4.6 to 6) and to Remove temporary files in UiPath system.

I think its the migration from windows legacy to windows.


That’s for sure, as I mentioned at the beginning.

Then can you confirm the dependent packages are updated to the latest version?


@Udiar ,

Is your Issue resolved after applying the Solution mentioned ? If so, Would request you to Close the Topic by marking your Post as the Solution.