Hi all , am getting error like object reference not an instance of object in the attached assign operation.
WIList type in Datarow. i want to filter the date from DT and want to write in excel!
please help me how should i solve ?
Hi all , am getting error like object reference not an instance of object in the attached assign operation.
usage of Date.ToString
is incorrect.
What is Date type here?
If Date is variable of type DateTime, then use the expression like below -
yourdataTable.Select("Type='WI2' AND Status='Open' " + Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " >= '2018-01-01'")
Karthik Byggari
Hi @naveen19 ,
try below code
Out_DTdetails.select("Type='WI2' and Status='Open' and Date>= '2018-01-01'")
Process.xaml (42.7 KB)
please me this correct still its not working
Please find the attached workflow.
Process.xaml (42.1 KB)
Hi @naveen19,
Can you use the below expression in your assign statement and give a try
ExtractDataTable.Select(“convert([Date],‘System.DateTime’)>'”+Convert.ToDateTime(“2018-01-01”).ToString+“’ and Convert([Type],‘System.String’)=‘WI2’ and Status=‘open’”).CopyToDataTable
And where you are using Out_DTdetails use DTdetails and try once.Main (2) (1) (5).xaml (9.9 KB)
bro fixed but while using append range results like
why its not get print as a format !!
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