My requirement is to read json and write as it is for date and time in newly created jsin file.
check below image.below is the original timedate format in file
i want data as exact in 1 st image. As i am running automation on vm it is taking date fromat from vm.
if i am using below line in append line to write start date
Jrez(Counter4)(“start”).ToString - this is writing that value of date and time then what changes or additional thing i need to do in thi s so i can get as same as original
Instead of Deserialize JSON activity we do use an Assign Activity:
YourJOBjectVar = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(of JObject)(YourJSONStringVar, myJSS)
then you can access the start date by: YourJOBjectVar(“start”).Value(Of String)
the JSON text is anyhow present e.g. after read in a text file: YourJSONStringVar
that a deserialize JSON activity was used, having an output as a JOBject: YourJOBjectVar
We would also recommend to take a little break. Once you are coming back go through the mentioned model changes. Get an understanding of the touched building blocks (turning of DateParsing when deserializing the JSON String). So you will be able to do the modification in around 1 min and it should work.
this need to assign to which variable?
need to create new varaible if yes then which datatype variable?
as i understood from your chat this need to assign to YourJOBjectVar variable
according to you “that a deserialize JSON activity was used, having an output as a JOBject: YourJOBjectVar”
if deserialize jason output value is already contains some data then what is the point to use same variable and assign different data?