Datatable to HTML Format


I am doing Data Table to html format for mail body

Input excel having some 2.04% value data but unfortunately while exceuting the proces output was 2.0439205247647113E-2 like this can you please help me on this.


Hi @Bindu_sai

Have a look on the document


Not exactly sure, why this conversion happens. Share the activities where this happened.

One more way to convert Datatable to Html would be using Create HTML Content activity

Also Look into the thread @Bindu_sai


Computers internaly have to do particular steps to handle fractions. This resulting number is of the internal targeted precisions.

But you can correct within a cleansing / harmonization step like e.g.

we would recommend to do it within a for each row on the data table and bring it within format you would like to see within the HTML table

Convert value to Decimal with tryparse decimal.



@Bindu_sai You can round a number of decimals to 2 then update to the same data table