I’m trying to convert a data table to HTML so it can be included within an email HTML body. Attached is a sample text output file of the data table. Can anyone please provide advice on how to convert the data table to HTML? Thanks!
Use Create HTML Content Activity. First Design the mail format in MS Word and then copy paste it into the activity. If you want the table values to be dynamic then there is option of mapping values to the variables in the activity.
Refer the screenshots below.
It is a new activity. It is added in the latest package of UiPath.Mail.Activities 1.10.4
You can directly copy tables from excel and paste it into the editor of this activity and then the data values can be mapped easily. Let me know if it works for you.
Thanks @kumar.varun2 ! I’ve used this method but have encountered an issue where the same email is being sent multiple times to the same recipient because the record is appearing multiple times in the data table. I’ll raise a new topic for this issue. Appreciate your help!
I have one more solution as you can use HTML code in the mail body and replace some text in the code simple replace what you want dynamically you can change the body of Email
use that once you can get code in google if you don’t know HTML Code