DataTable Not Extracting Properly

Hi All,

How can we achieve to extract all the rows of data table when the data still still loads while we scroll. I am using Data Table extraction but it can extract only first 25 rows. There are total 100 rows but its extracting only first 25 rows.

Hi @dutta.marina

Try this way,

In Extract Structured Data Change the properties as wait for readyComplete and Max number of results = 0


Gowtham K


wait for ready → Complete this option is not visible


Use mouse scroll activity to scroll down by distance and below mouse scroll use your data extraction. This should give to all the rows.


Using mouse scroll activity, don’t know how much scroll is needed. The data table is dynamic. i mean in one transaction there are 100 rows. next transaction there can be 200 rows.


its showing

Ok then use mouse scroll and data extraction in a loop like while loop.

For every iteration check if the last row is same as previous extraction data. If it’s same even after scrolling, it’s the real last row else continue scrolling and extracting data.

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Refer this video of Anders. It’s older video but you should be able to get the logic.

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