DataRow property in AddDataRow activity

Has anyone used the DataRow property in AddDataRow activity?
If yes, could you please give a sample?

Hi @Athrix05

It seems we directly cannot use the DataRow property of the Add Data Row activity if the row we are getting is coming from a different data table. So there are so many work around solutions for this. We can use ArrayRow property of the same activity. or else, we can use the Invoke Method activity and use Import Row command to add data. However, I have two sample solutions in both approaches I just explained. That’s the only possible way which I found.

Check these files out.

AddDataRow.xaml (7.3 KB)
DateFilterAndInsertToDataTable.xaml (12.3 KB)

I have also found some posts on this topic


Hi Lahiru,

Just want to thank you for this quality post! You shared a number of solutions to this problem, and I really appreciate it!!

I especially like using the Invoke Method activity, it is straightforward. I also learned that I can copy a skeleton of a DataTable by using the Clone method, which is much better than building the entire data table by hand.


Hey @oscar

Thank you for your great commit buddy!! :slight_smile:
And I’m glad to hear that my answer was very much helpful to you…
Thanks again!!! :smiley:


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