DataRow Array Creation or Another Method

I´d need to create an array of datarows and later on i need to pass every individual cell value to another system.
What would be best approach. I need all these values in example file so datarow items should be strings. There are numbers and text mixed in each row. Would be great if i dont need to create row array variable from each row. There are about 60 of them in total. :slight_smile:

Create and list of data row. By using add to list function.

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Started with this using add to collection approach. Downside is that i end up with too many list variables… :slight_smile:

Yeah that is expected when you have numerous rows.

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So i try to do this task smarter way. Now i have managed to get row item to string variable in a format i want. Next step would be to create array of each row.

Source Data after string manipulation

End Result i want

Array1: loremlipsum,221420,742151976,1,loremlipsum
Array2: ,loremlipsum,81241337453,1,loremlipsum

Later on i´d neet to insert single items from these arrays to another system.

–we can do that with datatable and datarow.ItemArray
–that is use a excel application scope and pass the file path of excel as input
–inside the scope use a READ RANGE ACTIVITY and get the output with a variable of type datatable named dt
–now use a FOR EACH activity and pass the above variable dt.Rows as input and change the type argument as System.Data.Datarow
–inside the loop use a assign activity like this
arr_variable = item.ItemArray
where arr_variable is a variable of type array of string
and item is from FOR EACH loop

now from this array variable arr_variable we can get the value using the index position which starts from 0 for first value

Cheers @Mikko_S

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Nice exactly what we needed here. ItemArray…

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Cheers @Mikko_S

Something is still wrong with this one. I get error Cannot convert from 1 dimensional etc. Did exactly as you mentioned above.


can i have a screenshot of the error we are getting

Here you go.


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You were almost done
Is the left side variable in assign activity is of type Array of string
And always name the variable apart from keywords as ItemArray is a keyword
So name it as arr_string which is of type array of ToString
The assign activity will be
arr_string = item.ItemArray
Also ensure that the type argument of the FOR EACH ACTIVITY is of type string

Cheers @Mikko_S

Hello @Mikko_S
You can also do it using Regex.Split method and manipulate the date to your needs

What i have done is based on this data

i Extracted and then split the data into this using regex…

Check this workflow for better understanding

Splittextcreatedatarow.xaml (12.6 KB)

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Thank you! I¨ll check this one too…

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