Database - Start Transaction

Can someone share a xmal file about how to use "“Start Transaction” activity? i don’t know what to write inside it. Thanks.

Check the docs related to that activity @pitaty, you will have sample workflow as well. I haven’t tried it yet :slight_smile:


Refer this link

no sample workflow founded. do you have a link?

only shows text, i want a sample workflow, where can i get that?

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This start transaction activity can be used to connect to database and can include any database related activities in it
—this start transaction activity gives us the output with a database connection variable which can be passed as input to other database activities as input for connection string

And if UseTransaction is set true, the contained operations are executed in a single transaction, and applied at the end if none of the them failed. If UseTransaction is set false, all operations are committed individually. When this activity ends, the connection to the database is close

Kindly try with those set of activities and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @pitaty


so, i can use “Execute Non Query & Execute Query & Insert” activities inside Start Transaction right? and only thoes three can be used inside it.

Question 2:what’s the difference between Execute Non Query & Execute Query. Below i summarized some pinpoint, please correct me if im wrong:
1.Execute Query: only select can be used
2.Execute Non Query: Insert, delete,update can be used

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Yah but not only then it’s like a container and can include other activities as a part of transaction

And The main difference is

Execute query - Executes a query on a database and returns the query result in a Datatable
Where as the
Execute Non Query - Executes an non query statement on a database. For UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements, the return value is the number of rows affected by the command. For all other types of statements, the return value is -1.

Cheers @pitaty

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