Data table to SQL Table


I want to insert rows from data table to a SQL Table but I am not sure how it must be done.

Should I create a table with the same column names as such in a datatable ? how will the mapping be done between the columns?

Please guide me with the above scenario, thank you.

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Check below for your reference

Hope this may help you


I’m not clear about this yet.

Could you please let me know if the column name from the excel dt should be similar to the one in the table?


As on the post that @Srini84 referenced,
you can see that Tim K says.
" There is a insert datatable activity, you must make sure all columns and datatypes are matched.
So the datatable in uipath and database must have the same number of columns etc.
A good way to ensure the dt is correct format is to do a select statement om the dt.
Select top 0 * from dt. This returns a blank datatable with the headers."