Data Service request limit

We’re getting this both from processes and when trying to open data service in GUI:
Error Code: 429 Message: Resource ID : 1. The request limit for the database is 800 and has been reached.

Seems similar to the issue last week. Uipath Data service request limit

I also have this problem!
Error Code: 429 Message: Resource ID : 1. The request limit for the database is 800 and has been reached. See ‘Resource management in Azure SQL Database - Azure SQL Database | Microsoft Learn’ for assistance.

@loginerror can you help us? I saw another post in which you said that this issue was solved

Hi @Larss , I believe there’s a 1000 item limit for the Query result.

You may have to design a loop to get around this if you need to.

I usually batch the query with a limit of 500.


I have the same issue. Should be a question of time.

There was an outage in Europe this morning, it was possibly causing this if it didnt happen before. Its apparently solved now.

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