I’m working with data srapping I am extracting some data from a site and data spans on 3 pages. After indicating all the items to extract and pressing finish in data scrapping wizard I indicated next page So that i can extract from all 3 pages.
Now what happens is that it goes to next page like I can see clicking on next page but it does not extract data from next two pages. It just extracts from the first page.
I can’t figure out what’s the problem. Can someone please help me with this?
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can u give me the site url and provide the table information to extract, i will try to resolve it…!
Even I too face same issue…I need to scrap data from amazon for particular product, for me scrapping for multiple pages is not working even though i mentioned in data wizard to go for next pages…can anyone help me on this?
is there a solution to it. I am also facing this problem. First page extracts correctly. From the second page onwards, only the Correlated data is getting extracted, Main data not getting extracted. Can anyone let me know the solution?
Hi @Purnima_Sambasivan
I think put a delay Activity before extract datatable , like delay of some seconds
I think loading time for webpage may be the problem , so put a delay Activity so that scrapping takes place after some time of loading
Hope it helps
Mark it as solution if it helps
Nived N 
Happy Automation
This doesnt work, I put a delay with 00:00:00:50. It delays before the data extraction. But the problem is in the middle of data extraction, in the consecutive pages. i Even tried data between pages timer, in the property panel by giving 1000, but didnt work.