Data Scraping sometimes it gets missing information

Hi. I am using Data Scraping in my project. But when I start the project the scraping sometimes it gets missing information,but sometimes it works properly. what is the reason for this?

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In data scrapping we got an property called DelayBetween in the property panel
Set some time value in that Around 2000 milliseconds
Cheers @sufyant


Hi buddy. actually I am using Delay activity (10 seconds) before Data Scraping and my DelayBetween time is 4000. but I’m still having this problem

The issue is while doing data scrapping
So keeping delay before or After data scrapping will not help us buddy
We need to set the delay while data scrapping that’s why we got such property as well
Cheers @sufyant

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but I get the same error in single page operation

May i know what is the error we are getting on single page operation

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I want to get text and URL. no problem with getting texts but I can’t get URL (so it doesn’t get all URL) @Palaniyappan

is the field selected properly buddy and also the URL check box is selected…!
kindly check that once

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buddy, area correctly selected because Data Scraping sometimes scraping right but sometimes scraping missing

i wonder why so
Fine redo the data scrapping and try once
increase the DelayBetweenPages value with 4000 milliseconds

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I have already done it again and I set the DelayBetweenPages value with 4000 milliseconds. But still same

once after opening the browser page use a DELAY and then do data scrapping
is that helping us

I am already using DELAY

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