Hi all, i’m new here, and i’m new to rpa process field
I’m trying to scraping an online database from this site: Link
by searching the information from zip postal code (from external .csv file), typing it on the site’s searching bar, and then scraping the records from the page’s result.
But i have an issue with the next page selector, because the robot go from page 1 to 2 to 1 and so one until I force quit it.
Can you please indicate the 2 page selector in next button selector (which is in datascrapping properties) or else you can make it as dynamic while observing first page and second page selector.
Click on Extract Structured data activity (in properties panel (which is in right side)) you will get next link selector (inside that you can paste above selector)
Ok, your solution work for a while, but, when the page arrive to the last one of the pages list, the process freeze.
Then i click on “ignore” button and the process go ahead with another zip postal code in the search bar, wich show me a new page with a new pages list with next page arrow, but now the issue’s show again.
I’ve attached the project here
if you check the code u are not extracting any data from the data extraction you are just switching from page 1 to page 2. and there is no condition mentioned here to stop switching to next page if the page end is reached.
Ok, now it works very well, thank you so much for your help.
Now, i want the process stop when the page end is reached or, if the zip postal code searched in the search bar don’t make result in the page (i notice that UiPath do it automatically after some secondo of timeout, but this cause wasting time).
How i can do this ? what i need to do ?
Many thanks again, you’re very help
ExtractDataTable is an empty datatable that you created and does not hold any data as you did not extract any data using data scraping. so the data scraping which you did needs to be modified. Please modify the workflow accordingly and let me know so that we can work on any other errors you are getting. attached is an example of how I extracted the data from the website you mentioned.DataExtraction.xaml (10.3 KB)