i’m experiencing a weird issue when using the data scraping activity in a web based (google Chrome) application. I have used the scraping settings where I indicate the first column and add another column with extract correlated data. I have tried selecting the first and last row and also tried various ways of selecting other combinations but the robot always returns the same result. Example: there are 25 items available in the datatable but the robot will return 24 and ignore the last row. see the Extract MetaData below:
Thank you for your reply, sorry for my late response.
I have checked for a difference in the table rows but the code is not showing me any differences besides the row counter (DXDataRow5 and DXDataRow6)
I opened both of the codes to check for differences in the cells but they weren’t there neither.
I have tried adding the delay activity before the robot starts scraping the datatable. unfortunately this doesn’t show any difference in results. I also make use of the delay between pages as seen in screenshots from the original question.
Is there a solution for this issue?
I am having the same issue, when extracting a table from a word document (Office 2016 professional) . The last row is omitted by the extraction.
I am using Studio 2020.10.2 and following are activity versions