Data scrape in data scraping on the website

Hello, there. It’s on the website for my thesis in magazines

i need to do this data again. can you help me with that data?
I’ve done a few things, but I’m getting a mistake.

Main.xaml (35.0 KB)

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Check this doc on how to do the data scrapping

Cheers @Ozlem_Yigit

Hey @Ozlem_Yigit

It’s clear that you need to extract some data from the page.

Could you please highlight what are those fields you are looking to extract & mention what are the challenges you are facing ?


when i click in the magazines, there’s this part at the bottom.

i just want to get their names, their writers, and exctract. I need to get the information I’ve specified on all the pages one by one and print it to excel. I have to repeat this for all the magazines.

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Hey @Ozlem_Yigit

Could you please highlight those ?


thanks!! @Nithinkrishna :))

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Hey @Ozlem_Yigit

Okay looks perfect for me…

The normal data Scraping should do the job.

So what’s the challenge here please in detail…


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he opens a single magazine of the data i’ve been digging up, and it doesn’t print the information i’ve given you in this magazine, and it doesn’t advance the pages.

thanks!! @Nithinkrishna :))

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Please share the link if that’s public!

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hello, there.“Sosyal”&query=subject.asFacet-AND-“Eğitim,%20Eğitim%20Araştırmaları”
I’ve done a data scraping of magazines on this site. Then I have to scap these individual magazines (ex: Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi | TRDizin ) by going through the pages of the magazines that I have indicated.


Hi @Ozlem_Yigit ,

The workflow you have Shared asks for an Input. What is the Input you Provide ?


Or is the Input really needed to be entered by a Human in your case ?

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hello @supermanPunch

it needs to be entered by the human. For example, I said “psikoloji”.

thanks!! :))