Data in Excel with no header columns

Is it possible to read data rows from an Excel which does not have header columns? I need to select all rows and paste in another Excel sheet.

Thank you,

Hi @A_Learner

Try below way:

Hope it helps!!


Uncheck has headers Property


It is Possible to read an excel without headers by unchecking the HAs headers Property.
But there is no read the excel to Copy Paste the Excel data.
Just Use Copy Paste range excel activity.

Check the below Image for more reference

Hope it helps!!

Thank you, Destination Excel file is a different one not the same source file.

Hi @A_Learner

Try this:

Hope it helps!!

Thank you, @Parvathy

  1. It is not copying the first row. Probably taking the first row as Header.
  2. It is not saving even with SaveExcel

Hi @A_Learner

Can you share the excels if possible


Sorry cannot share. Appreciate all the answers. Thank you.

Can I do select range from source, to select all data rows and paste in target at the specific row as there is already some data in there? What will be the exact steps?

Thank you,

Hi @A_Learner

If you do not have large amount of data then you can follow below way:

Or Try the below way:


Try this way:


Hi @A_Learner

Two ways to do
1.While reading the excel you can uncheck has headers in the readrange activity.

2.While you are writing from datatable to excel you can check both has headers and the exclude Headers.

Hope it helps!!

Look when you you do the read range as a Header the first row automatically is the Header for that datatable.
The only think that you need is to write range and do the write range include header and all the rows will be write including the first one in this case they are headers

Hi. Use read Range activity with Has Headers. Then while writing don’t check Add headers option. It vl write only row value in different Excel.

Thank you, then is there a way to write starting at a specific row number in Excel?

Thank you, @Parvathy
This works. But for some reason appending randomly at the bottom.
How to append at a particular row, for example my destination Excel has some information in first two rows. I need to append starting from row 3.
The next append is append to what has already been appended.

Thank you.

Hi @A_Learner

Can you try this way:


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Yes. In write range activity u can give cell value. For example in cell if u give C4, then from that cell it will start writjng

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Thank you, @Ramya_25