Hello together,
i have 100 PDF Documents. In each PDF Document are error messages. I just want to export the error messages from the Documents to excel to sort the error messages. Now for the first step i used the activity β READ PDF and then WRITE TO. So the bot wrote all from the PDF-Document in a Text File. But now i need only the error Messages in the Text file and i want to export them to Excel.
This is my first bot and i hope, that somebody can help me. Thank you in advance for your help.
Greetings from Germany
Can you share the text file ,by using the regex it will extract only the error message
I need only the Informations after β Fehler/Meldungen:
try this once
assign activity
outputvariable=system.text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(outputstr,β(?<=\bFehler /Meldungen:\n).\n.\n.*β).Value
Hi can you try with this regex pattern,
str= System.text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(lineTetx,β(?<=Fehler/Meldungen:[\s*]).\n.\n.\n.β).Value.Trim
let me know if it working or not
@Praveen_Mudhiraj @Shiva_Nikhil thank you very much for your help :-). I Will try it tomorrow and let you know, if it works ;-).
yeah ok @daniele.piccolomo
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